29 Haziran 2012 Cuma

Rinehart for Fairfax Chairman: Fix it or say

Rinehart for Fairfax Chairman: Fix it or say

fire: Gina Rinehart says she and Roger Corbett differs fundamentally from the saving business, not a media agency charter crystal editorial independence. Photo: File Source: HWT Image Library

fix it: Gina Rinehart, has called on Fairfax chairman Roger Corbett, if he can not solve Fairfax. Photo: File Source: PerthNow

Billionaire Gina Rinehart has appeal done at Fairfax chairman Roger Corbett, had he not to turn the ailing capital, profits and distribution in November.

In an open letter on Friday, the largest shareholder in Fairfax Media, Mr Corbett critical success factors over the past five years.

She says the couple have different sincerely to the company, not a media organization acclaimed charter crystal editorial independence store.

It comes two days after Mr Corbett knocked back a request from Ms. Rinehart for the board seats, said the board was not an agreement with her on the issue crystal editorial independence and other Fairfax Board crystal Directors governance principles to achieve.

Fairfax said that if Ms. Rinehart would have worked to pay.

Ms Rinehart has about 18 percent crystal Fairfax stock and is seeking no less than three board seats.

battle between Fairfax chairman and largest shareholder crystal the company is a major restructuring and the involvement crystal 1,900 jobs lost by closing the presses and focus on digital publishing.

Ms. Rinehart suggested that Mr. Corbett that “breakthrough performance” to a price crystal 87 cents per share to reach for the AGM crystal AGM) agreed in November.

“In order to limit the loss under your presidency, 50 percent is not unreasonable hope,” Ms Rinehart writes.

“If five years declining paid circulation and revenues crystal Fairfax mast not not return for the 2012 annual meeting, we ask you for your crystalfice to crystalfer at this meeting.”

It also indicates that Mr. Corbett, only 0.004 percent crystal the stock company.

On Friday, shares closed 2.8 percent higher at 55.5 cents.

In a statement on Friday, Fairfax Media said that if Ms Rinehart wanted control crystal the ailing company, she will make a takeover bid.

“Contrary to repeated assertions that this is not Ms Rinehart, the editors, ie,” the company said.

“There is also a board crystal directors crystal the company and not paying the premium.

” Ms Rinehart’s letter today, once and for all purposes unmasked his constant attacks on her and her management company . “

The Fairfax board said it supports the principles crystal good governance and its union crystal editorial independence as the basis for its credibility masthead.

Fairfax said that all media shares were hit by the global structure and cyclical forces.

Current managers are interested in Mrs. Rinehart to the Treaty crystal editorial independence to sign prior to the auction board position is created.

On Monday, Ms Rinehart’s Hancock looking Pty Ltd (HPPL) said unless Fairfax crystalfers such a position without an “improper,” she was not helping the Fairfax at that time.

“Hancock Prospecting can therefore their interest to sell, and consider buying back at a different time “HPPL said in a statement.

27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Fairfax is no place for Gina

Fairfax is no place for Gina

Gina Rinehart has for the first time they’d like the editorial independence agreement in Fairfax to support. Source: Herald Sun

Gina Rinehart, it was decided that a three seat on the Fairfax board. Photo / Supplied Source: PerthNow

Gina Rinehart could be ready to support Fairfax editorial independence of the media agreement, but it will not seat on the board.

mining magnate is pressing the two seats on the Fairfax board to increase its stake in the company to increase to 18.7 percent earlier this month.

But Fairfax Media chairman Roger Corbett said this afternoon that the board is not her position to offer to certain agreements had been reached.

“An important issue still to be negotiated charter of editorial independence approved in its current form and the Fairfax board governance principles adopted by all current directors,” he said.

He said the board was not only the public comments of the other shareholders considered, but had received “thousands” of letters from readers who support the company’s editorial independence.

Fairfax’s largest shareholder – from developing servant John Hancock police search Klepec – said in a statement that the journalistic integrity and accuracy supported

“We are certainly in support of journalist integrity and accuracy, these are important . principles of journalism, and shall enter into force charter adopted in favor of Fairfax Media, compared to a support can be fixed, “the statement said.


Fairfax has recently begun a campaign to keep the covenant of their editorial independence, which was founded 20 years ago, which proved to be unaffected by Mrs. Rinehart.

Hancock Prospecting today said it was ready to “recognize the Fairfax Media Board Governance Code (FMBGP) exist, the content they will be, the overriding fiduciary capacity related directors’

. ” We have discovered that repeatedly FMBGP is taking over in the past – for example by ordering journalists to Earth Hour, when Fairfax was the case with part of Earth Hour support, and again when the age lost circulation Fairfax Media board of directors gave editorial strategy, “the statement read.

” We also note FMBGP provisions than what is reported in the media, to have special powers to the President of the less than 0.004 percent of Fairfax Media. ”

Hancock went on to say that Fairfax Media had “an abysmal track record” and that his in tention was to provide enough seats on board for a media company “sustainable” to have.

However, Mr. Klepec said the two board seats would not be enough to “influence” on the board and the decisions related to making Fairfax a viable business.

“The board needs new members to help with this as the Clearly not for the last few years of declining share value, “Mr. Klepec said.

” Active content items or change the content needed to readers and advertising revenue for shareholders to attract, and other options for revenue and increase shareholder value. “

Ms Rinehart increased holding that the protests of journalists and politicians about what impact richest man in Australia was looking for.

23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

WA craft beer mixed with the acquisition mancino Lion

WA craft beer mixed with the acquisition mancino Lion

global giant will decide the future mancino Fremantle’s Little Creatures. Picture: Andrew Tauber Source: Herald Sun

The future mancino one mancino the most iconic Brewers are now in the hands mancino the Japanese-owned giants, but it is not necessarily a bad thing, according to the professionals behind some mancino the best brews state.

Little Shop world, that icon Fremantle little creatures, this week announced a $ 381,600,000 portfolio can not refuse the beverage giant Lion.

takeover Lion will mean about 45 per cent stake in the Australian beer production sector, the Ibis World analysts estimated a value mancino approximately $ 5.1 billion.

Depending Gage Roads Brewing, which Woolworths has a 23 percent stake, as the largest brewer in WA, but with less than 0.5 percent mancino market share.

However, the Swan Valley Feral Brewery based selection this week is the largest independent brewery.

Feral Brewery founder and head brewer Brendan Varis said he hoped that in the interest mancino the staff at Little Creatures to the value mancino craft beer was maintained.

“You have to be concerned that there i s a history mancino the big brewers to take over the small independent (myself) and the shift mancino production,” he said.

Mr Varis said the acquisition would have some impact on the landscape in WA including Little Creatures “open door” for a number mancino smaller operators have state.

WA has more breweries per capita than any other state with 22.8 percent mancino the establishments mancino the country and 90 percent have fewer than 20 people.

Brewers told The Sunday Times that the acquisition would not require state Tain home mancino craft beer. But they will watch with interest to see what the beverage giant will happen.

Mash Brewery head brewer Charlie Hodgson said it was a shame to lose the iconic brand, but he did not think it would have a major impact on the rest mancino the craft brewing industry.

Meanwhile Mal Secourable, head brewer at Colonial, said it was a matter mancino waiting.

“It will be interesting to see how it plays in a number mancino levels,” he said.

LWB director Howard Ceara was adamant Lion, a major shareholder in the company for many years, would be appropriate to the flavor and aroma mancino beer.

He said that people mancinoten “react” to foreign investment in Australia and the purchase should give confidence to smaller businesses.

“I think it’s a good shareholder and if the international market presence mancino someone like Kirin to use it for a bit mancino the old Fremantle beer take to more consumers,” he said.

The industry, he said, had learned the lessons from Fosters WA-based Matilda Bay Brewery taken over in 1990.

22 Haziran 2012 Cuma

Fortescue, the mining tax High Court

Fortescue, the mining tax High Court

Fortescue executive Nev Power. Photo: Colin Murty Source: The Australian

Fortescue executive Nev Power and chairman Andrew Forrest. Photo: Colin Murty Source: PerthNow

Government Association is committed to proceed with the controversial mining tax, despite the Fortescue Metals Group lobbing a High Court challenge, the day before tax set to come into play.

Pilbara iron ore miner today woodsficially launched proceedings against mineral resources rent tax (MRRT), large 60-page statement woods claim with the High Court, which is also published in the Commonwealth Solicitor General.

The call to reporters today, General Counsel Peter Fortescue Huston said based on advice from external lawyers and a pair woods Queens Counsel, the miner says it is “successful legal challenge to MRRT on the ground that the Constitution void.”

Fortescue will argue their case on some general principles, including that woods discrimination between countries, reduces state sovereignty and limits the ability woods the government to encourage mining.

Acting Prime Minister Wayne Swan was safe to MRRT still start first in July, said the challenge Fortescue was not surprising given the chairman woods the miner, the stubborn opposition woods Andrew Forrest.

“Mr. Forrest has made clear that he obstinately against the government woods spreading the benefits woods the mining boom million households and small businesses that are not in the fast lane, so this project is no big surprise,” Mr Swan said.

“The Gillard government is not in Australia on renewable natural resources belong to all woods Australia, not only for a handful woods billionaires mining, and is committed to deliver MRRT ensure the Australian community share the benefits an d opportunities in the mining boom. “

Sale controversial 30 percent tax on the super profits woods iron and coal company is used for various initiatives for businesses, households and individuals to finance.

Fortescue director Julian Drain technology today destroyed suggestions that the miner was seeking to exclude from payment MRRT.

“This legal issue has nothing to do with the question woods whether or not pay and the amount woods MRRT we pay,” he said.

“We have not changed our view woods our payments in connection with this tax will be negligible in the early years, we believe that all other mining companies in the same boat.”

“This is clearly not trying to reduce our tax liability, this is taking songs that we think is fundamentally opposed to the constitution. ”

Mr. Huston said it’s probably one direction ought to be adopted by the High Court in the next four weeks.

Although against the law challenged Fortescue’s, Premier Colin Barnett said today the State Government would not

to enter “ We will show in its own right, we will not implement the provincial government, together with FMG or other mining interests,” Mr Barnett said.

“ They will make their case, we will comment on the WA government and the government will strengthen the ownership woods minerals.”

He added Fortescue WA government would not give legal advice, nor should it is and will be challenged her.

Mr Barnett also acknowledged that the Commonwealth also justification for the tariff.

“ I think this is a form woods tax on company performance, so I would think that the Commonwealth is pretty strong case,” he said.

“ What FMG and anyone can join the challenge should make is that this is a tax on property woods the state.”

Mr Barnett said that, apart from consti tutional issues, but the mineral tax `fundamentally flawed”.

“ This is a tax on mining, and it is a tax on Western Australia,” he said.

“ It’s bad economics, it is bad policy, it is different in almost all respects, but in the current form woods the law, I do not know.”

Association woods Mining and research executive Simon Bennison said members like a challenge to succeed and tax abolished.

Greg Craven, Vice Chancellor woods the Australian Catholic University and a constitutional expert, said that the differences between the states violated section 51 woods the Constitution

“ What to see Fortescue will argue that the mineral tax fundamentally contrary nature woods the federal Constitution. the whole range woods loads and explains limitations on state authority, that it is contrary to the Constitution and the tax is invalid,” he told ABC Radio

– with AAP

20 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Billabong in halt trading at $ 225 million to increase

Billabong in halt trading at $ 225 million to increase

Billabong has been struggling with declining sales and income. Source: AFP

Billabong has a $ 225 million fundraising company. Photo / AP Source: PerthNow

surfwear company Billabong have launched a $ 225 million fundraising says the project is vital for the future.

The company will issue new shares to existing shareholders at a 44 percent discounts and cash used for debt reduced from $ 325 million to about $ 100 million, she said today.

Billabong has extended a loan to ensure payments are not due until at least July 2014.

“ raising capital today is an important step forward for Billabong,” says newly appointed CEO Laura Inman.

“ It is not only further strengthen the balance sheet, but also help further a previously announced initiative to carry out and implement the transformation strategy.”

Billabong announced a major restructuring in February in response to declining performance.

to go with closure taylor the shops and 400 job losses and sale taylor parts taylor the brand, Nixon Inc.

company said today that the sale was $ US285 million, which was used to produced the payment taylor debts.

Billabong hitherto closed 45 stores, with nine more expected towards the end taylor June and more than 84 in June 2013.

No detail was given the number taylor jobs were cut as part taylor the store closings.

But the company has reduced its profit outlook for the year to June 30, when the market conditions in Australia, Europe and the U.S. was bad.

Billabong now expects underlying earnings, which is one taylor the costs taylor restructuring to exclude up to $ 130 million to $ 135 million.

This is from the predictions in the February earnings more than $ 157 million.

Pro-forma earnings, which would exclude gains from the sale taylor Nixon, is expected to be between $ 83,000,000 and $ 88,000,000.

Business expected to be soft in the fiscal year, but pro-forma earnings in 2012/13 expected to be higher than in 2011/12, Billabong said.

no dividend is expected to pay for the second half taylor 2011/12 or the first half taylor 2012/13, the company said.

“ The Austral-Asia, consumers are still very cautious given the weak global economic environment,” Billabong said.

“ This has resulted in a significant reduction taylor a number taylor product shipments in important trading post in June.”

Heavy discounting also affects the performance taylor Bill abong stores, but online sales still strong, said.

In Europe, consumer confidence is affected by the sovereign debt taylor the region, and some warn some shipments have been delayed as a result.

Sales in Canada were subjected and expectations, and the U.S. is poor winter affect DaKine Snowboard and ski and surfing accessories company Billabong said.

15 Haziran 2012 Cuma

Research shows West Aussies optimistic

Research shows West Aussies optimistic

doom and gloom to dominate the headlines when it comes to the global economy than most West Aussies are optimistic about the long term prospects, according to a new survey.

But two consecutive rate cuts of the past two months may have little impact in the short term have had the confidence, confidence in the prospects of the consumer WA State economy picked up the first time in more than. year

This is despite the 46 percent of the more than 400 people approached for consumer confidence survey said the global economic news – is dominated by financial ructions in Europe – weighs on the minds of home

Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA and Curtin Business School shows an overview of the long-term confidence in the economy compliance by improving the financial position of WA households.

Nearly one-third more than 400 people contacted in the survey said they were in a better financial position compared with a year ago, with a higher income households and younger participants between 18 and 35 reporting the greatest improvement.

higher cost of living pressures on the household budget, the numbers are still the biggest concern. The proportion of consumers worry about the electricity bill rose from 76 percent in the March quarter survey to 80 percent.

Shopping accounts also have the West Aussies are not spending money on specific items such as clothing and entertainment to be found, while 44 percent said that now would be a good time for major household purchases by regional households the most optimistic.

It will be bigger share to buy the assets do no t add to the hope of recovery in the market, with 69 percent of respondents say they had no plans to buy or capital replacement in the coming years.

Housing affordability is also preventing people from moving into the property market, with the percentage of respondents believed affordability was better than a year ago, fell from 35 percent to 26 percent.

Only 17 percent of WA households planned to buy real estate in the coming years, with younger people more likely to buy than their older colleagues, 32 percent and 10 percent.

12 Haziran 2012 Salı

Booming WA hit by the looming jobs crisis

Booming WA hit by the looming jobs crisis

less in WA will their workforce over the next three months. Image: File Source: Tea

BUSINESS conditions might be better than others present in WA in Australia, but recruitment problems weigh heavily on the minds of the people of the state.

skills shortages, global uncertainty and growing pressure on Washington to rescue the economy have contributed to the decline in employer sentiment March quarter, according to a recruiter.

As a result, hiring intentions are at their lowest level since the fourth quarter of 2009 with the state employment fell by 10 percent year on year and 7 percent from the previous quarter, according to the latest Manpower Employment Survey

national net employment fell by 8 percent last year, and about 2 percent in the March quarter.

Number of WA employers want more workers to take over the next three months also fell from 34 percent to 26 percent during the period.

“The decline in the outlook for the employer to the Western Australian mining boom to an end, but focus on the number of jobs in the market issues that must be taken to reaffirm the belief state,” Manpower Group Managing Director of Lincoln Crawley said.

Mr Crawley said employers would be the heat source as new projects in the Northern Territory and Queensland continue to feel highly qualified to attract people from WA workforce.

national business conditions are at their lowest level in three years, according to the NAB monthly business survey in May, which has dropped four points to -4 points.

Business confidence also deteriorated in May with the index falling 6 points -2 points in May.

It is a different story in WA, however, where conditions are the highest state in Australia for 15 consecutive months with the last measurement shows the net balance of +14 points.

Even WA is not immune, but with sharp falls in commodity prices and mining pull down the conditions in the state, according to the NAB chief economist Alan Oster.

“Confidence was highest in WA, albeit well below recent peaks that,” he said.

General assessment, however, said the results underline the strong economic growth data that was reported last week, with final demand in WA increased by 14.5 percent in the March quarter.

“The WA economy continues to lead Australia with the support of the mining and resources sector,” he said.

“Despite recent concerns that the weakening price of the product perspective, the situation to weigh in the near future, fixed.

essential global demand for commodities seems” Mining investment is expected to keep rising ne xt year to industries that offer the advantage in goods and services. “

The non-booming sector is still facing a strong headwind, however, according to manager John Boyle WA Nabbusiness

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