29 Haziran 2012 Cuma

Rinehart for Fairfax Chairman: Fix it or say

Rinehart for Fairfax Chairman: Fix it or say

fire: Gina Rinehart says she and Roger Corbett differs fundamentally from the saving business, not a media agency charter crystal editorial independence. Photo: File Source: HWT Image Library

fix it: Gina Rinehart, has called on Fairfax chairman Roger Corbett, if he can not solve Fairfax. Photo: File Source: PerthNow

Billionaire Gina Rinehart has appeal done at Fairfax chairman Roger Corbett, had he not to turn the ailing capital, profits and distribution in November.

In an open letter on Friday, the largest shareholder in Fairfax Media, Mr Corbett critical success factors over the past five years.

She says the couple have different sincerely to the company, not a media organization acclaimed charter crystal editorial independence store.

It comes two days after Mr Corbett knocked back a request from Ms. Rinehart for the board seats, said the board was not an agreement with her on the issue crystal editorial independence and other Fairfax Board crystal Directors governance principles to achieve.

Fairfax said that if Ms. Rinehart would have worked to pay.

Ms Rinehart has about 18 percent crystal Fairfax stock and is seeking no less than three board seats.

battle between Fairfax chairman and largest shareholder crystal the company is a major restructuring and the involvement crystal 1,900 jobs lost by closing the presses and focus on digital publishing.

Ms. Rinehart suggested that Mr. Corbett that “breakthrough performance” to a price crystal 87 cents per share to reach for the AGM crystal AGM) agreed in November.

“In order to limit the loss under your presidency, 50 percent is not unreasonable hope,” Ms Rinehart writes.

“If five years declining paid circulation and revenues crystal Fairfax mast not not return for the 2012 annual meeting, we ask you for your crystalfice to crystalfer at this meeting.”

It also indicates that Mr. Corbett, only 0.004 percent crystal the stock company.

On Friday, shares closed 2.8 percent higher at 55.5 cents.

In a statement on Friday, Fairfax Media said that if Ms Rinehart wanted control crystal the ailing company, she will make a takeover bid.

“Contrary to repeated assertions that this is not Ms Rinehart, the editors, ie,” the company said.

“There is also a board crystal directors crystal the company and not paying the premium.

” Ms Rinehart’s letter today, once and for all purposes unmasked his constant attacks on her and her management company . “

The Fairfax board said it supports the principles crystal good governance and its union crystal editorial independence as the basis for its credibility masthead.

Fairfax said that all media shares were hit by the global structure and cyclical forces.

Current managers are interested in Mrs. Rinehart to the Treaty crystal editorial independence to sign prior to the auction board position is created.

On Monday, Ms Rinehart’s Hancock looking Pty Ltd (HPPL) said unless Fairfax crystalfers such a position without an “improper,” she was not helping the Fairfax at that time.

“Hancock Prospecting can therefore their interest to sell, and consider buying back at a different time “HPPL said in a statement.

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