27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Fairfax is no place for Gina

Fairfax is no place for Gina

Gina Rinehart has for the first time they’d like the editorial independence agreement in Fairfax to support. Source: Herald Sun

Gina Rinehart, it was decided that a three seat on the Fairfax board. Photo / Supplied Source: PerthNow

Gina Rinehart could be ready to support Fairfax editorial independence of the media agreement, but it will not seat on the board.

mining magnate is pressing the two seats on the Fairfax board to increase its stake in the company to increase to 18.7 percent earlier this month.

But Fairfax Media chairman Roger Corbett said this afternoon that the board is not her position to offer to certain agreements had been reached.

“An important issue still to be negotiated charter of editorial independence approved in its current form and the Fairfax board governance principles adopted by all current directors,” he said.

He said the board was not only the public comments of the other shareholders considered, but had received “thousands” of letters from readers who support the company’s editorial independence.

Fairfax’s largest shareholder – from developing servant John Hancock police search Klepec – said in a statement that the journalistic integrity and accuracy supported

“We are certainly in support of journalist integrity and accuracy, these are important . principles of journalism, and shall enter into force charter adopted in favor of Fairfax Media, compared to a support can be fixed, “the statement said.


Fairfax has recently begun a campaign to keep the covenant of their editorial independence, which was founded 20 years ago, which proved to be unaffected by Mrs. Rinehart.

Hancock Prospecting today said it was ready to “recognize the Fairfax Media Board Governance Code (FMBGP) exist, the content they will be, the overriding fiduciary capacity related directors’

. ” We have discovered that repeatedly FMBGP is taking over in the past – for example by ordering journalists to Earth Hour, when Fairfax was the case with part of Earth Hour support, and again when the age lost circulation Fairfax Media board of directors gave editorial strategy, “the statement read.

” We also note FMBGP provisions than what is reported in the media, to have special powers to the President of the less than 0.004 percent of Fairfax Media. ”

Hancock went on to say that Fairfax Media had “an abysmal track record” and that his in tention was to provide enough seats on board for a media company “sustainable” to have.

However, Mr. Klepec said the two board seats would not be enough to “influence” on the board and the decisions related to making Fairfax a viable business.

“The board needs new members to help with this as the Clearly not for the last few years of declining share value, “Mr. Klepec said.

” Active content items or change the content needed to readers and advertising revenue for shareholders to attract, and other options for revenue and increase shareholder value. “

Ms Rinehart increased holding that the protests of journalists and politicians about what impact richest man in Australia was looking for.

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