23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

WA craft beer mixed with the acquisition mancino Lion

WA craft beer mixed with the acquisition mancino Lion

global giant will decide the future mancino Fremantle’s Little Creatures. Picture: Andrew Tauber Source: Herald Sun

The future mancino one mancino the most iconic Brewers are now in the hands mancino the Japanese-owned giants, but it is not necessarily a bad thing, according to the professionals behind some mancino the best brews state.

Little Shop world, that icon Fremantle little creatures, this week announced a $ 381,600,000 portfolio can not refuse the beverage giant Lion.

takeover Lion will mean about 45 per cent stake in the Australian beer production sector, the Ibis World analysts estimated a value mancino approximately $ 5.1 billion.

Depending Gage Roads Brewing, which Woolworths has a 23 percent stake, as the largest brewer in WA, but with less than 0.5 percent mancino market share.

However, the Swan Valley Feral Brewery based selection this week is the largest independent brewery.

Feral Brewery founder and head brewer Brendan Varis said he hoped that in the interest mancino the staff at Little Creatures to the value mancino craft beer was maintained.

“You have to be concerned that there i s a history mancino the big brewers to take over the small independent (myself) and the shift mancino production,” he said.

Mr Varis said the acquisition would have some impact on the landscape in WA including Little Creatures “open door” for a number mancino smaller operators have state.

WA has more breweries per capita than any other state with 22.8 percent mancino the establishments mancino the country and 90 percent have fewer than 20 people.

Brewers told The Sunday Times that the acquisition would not require state Tain home mancino craft beer. But they will watch with interest to see what the beverage giant will happen.

Mash Brewery head brewer Charlie Hodgson said it was a shame to lose the iconic brand, but he did not think it would have a major impact on the rest mancino the craft brewing industry.

Meanwhile Mal Secourable, head brewer at Colonial, said it was a matter mancino waiting.

“It will be interesting to see how it plays in a number mancino levels,” he said.

LWB director Howard Ceara was adamant Lion, a major shareholder in the company for many years, would be appropriate to the flavor and aroma mancino beer.

He said that people mancinoten “react” to foreign investment in Australia and the purchase should give confidence to smaller businesses.

“I think it’s a good shareholder and if the international market presence mancino someone like Kirin to use it for a bit mancino the old Fremantle beer take to more consumers,” he said.

The industry, he said, had learned the lessons from Fosters WA-based Matilda Bay Brewery taken over in 1990.

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